The franchise is named after the titular character Mario, an Italian plumber who is often tasked with saving Princess Peach and the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser, the king of the Koopas and Mario's arch-nemesis. Mario by Shazzo, edited by YochiThMaster333 My edit of Shazzo's Mario made for his never finished Super Mugen Bros project (which many people still refer the character as SMBZ Mario). This stage has become a popular sight among the MUGEN community, but to ensure future generations can enjoy this simple low-res stage, I decided to post this file here. Starting with the arcade classic Donkey Kong in 1981, Mario has since become one of the most successful video game franchises of all time, with the Super Mario sub-series of platforming video games playing a key role in its iconic status since the advent of Super Mario Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii, which in turn is based on the arcade game of the.
Mario is a video game franchise created by the Kyoto-based video game development and publishing company Nintendo. is a stage based on its more recent appearance in Super Smash Bros.